Set the number of messages to prefetch from the broker


(PECL amqp >= Unknown)

AMQPChannel::setPrefetchCountSet the number of messages to prefetch from the broker


public void AMQPChannel::setPrefetchCount ( int $count )

Set the number of messages to prefetch from the broker during a call to AMQPQueue::consume() or AMQPQueue::get(). Any call to this method will automatically set the prefetch window size to 0, meaning that the prefetch window size setting will be ignored.

If the call to either AMQPQueue::consume() or AMQPQueue::get() is done with the AMQP_AUTOACK flag set, this setting will be ignored.



The number of messages to prefetch.


Throws AMQPConnectionException if the connection to the broker was lost.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

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