The SolrInputDocument class

The SolrInputDocument class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


This class represents a Solr document that is about to be submitted to the Solr index.

Class synopsis

final SolrInputDocument {
/* Constants */
const integer SORT_DEFAULT = 1 ;
const integer SORT_ASC = 1 ;
const integer SORT_DESC = 2 ;
const integer SORT_FIELD_NAME = 1 ;
const integer SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT = 2 ;
const integer SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE = 4 ;
/* Methods */
public bool addField ( string $fieldName , string $fieldValue [, float $fieldBoostValue = 0.0 ] )
public bool clear ( void )
public void __clone ( void )
public __construct ( void )
public bool deleteField ( string $fieldName )
public void __destruct ( void )
public bool fieldExists ( string $fieldName )
public float getBoost ( void )
public SolrDocumentField getField ( string $fieldName )
public float getFieldBoost ( string $fieldName )
public int getFieldCount ( void )
public array getFieldNames ( void )
public bool merge ( SolrInputDocument $sourceDoc [, bool $overwrite = true ] )
public bool reset ( void )
public bool setBoost ( float $documentBoostValue )
public bool setFieldBoost ( string $fieldName , float $fieldBoostValue )
public bool sort ( int $sortOrderBy [, int $sortDirection = SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC ] )
public array toArray ( void )

Predefined Constants

SolrInputDocument Class Constants


Sorts the fields in ascending order.


Sorts the fields in ascending order.


Sorts the fields in descending order.


Sorts the fields by name


Sorts the fields by number of values.


Sorts the fields by boost value.

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