The V8Js class

The V8Js class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


This is the core class for V8Js extension. Each instance created from this class has own context in which all Javascript is compiled and executed.

See V8Js::__construct() for more information.

Class synopsis

V8Js {
/* Constants */
const string V8_VERSION ;
const integer FLAG_NONE = 1 ;
const integer FLAG_FORCE_ARRAY = 2 ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ([ string $object_name = "PHP" [, array $variables = array() [, array $extensions = array() [, bool $report_uncaught_exceptions = TRUE ]]]] )
public mixed executeString ( string $script [, string $identifier = "V8Js::executeString()" [, int $flags = V8Js::FLAG_NONE ]] )
public static array getExtensions ( void )
public V8JsException getPendingException ( void )
public static bool registerExtension ( string $extension_name , string $script [, array $dependencies = array() [, bool $auto_enable = FALSE ]] )

Predefined Constants


The V8 Javascript Engine version.


No flags.


Forces all JS objects to be associative arrays in PHP.

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